Working with SSL certificates in Openfire are surprisingly troublesome, at least as compared to popular web servers (Apache hTTPd, Nginx, IIS).
I recently needed to update an expiring certificate (having once, previously, figured out how to successfully import a purchased, SSL certificate.
This time I found a nice tutorial: Thanks to Christian for that.
I’ve made some slight modifications to his Shell script, and I just wanted to share:
#! /bin/bash JavaDir="/opt/openfire/resources/security" PASS="changeit" certdomain="" certname="im_example_com" certdir="/etc/ssl" tmp="/root/tmp" ## echo "stop openfire" ##/etc/init.d/openfire stop echo "> deleting truststore and keystore" test -e "${JavaDir}/truststore" && rm -f "${JavaDir}/truststore" test -e "${JavaDir}/keystore" && rm -f "${JavaDir}/keystore" echo "> merge domain certificate with CA certificate" cat "${certdir}/${certname}.crt" "${certdir}/${certname}.ca-bundle" > "${certdir}/${certname}.combined.crt" echo "> create a new trust store" keytool -import -trustcacerts -storepass $PASS -alias "PositiveSSL" -file "${certdir}/${certname}.ca-bundle" -keystore "${JavaDir}/truststore" echo "> create new p12 file" openssl pkcs12 -export -in "${certdir}/${certname}.combined.crt" -inkey "${certdir}/${certname}.key" -out "${certdir}/${certname}.p12" -name "${certdomain}" -CAfile "${ca}" -passout pass:"${PASS}" echo "> create new key store" keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass "$PASS" -srcstorepass "$PASS" -destkeystore "${JavaDir}/keystore" -srckeystore "${certdir}/${certname}.p12" -srcstoretype PKCS12 -alias "${certdomain}" echo "> change file perms" chmod 644 "${JavaDir}/truststore" "${JavaDir}/keystore" echo "> change ownership" chown daemon:daemon "${JavaDir}/truststore" "${JavaDir}/keystore" echo "> list directory" ls -lha "${JavaDir}" *store* ## echo "start openfire" ##/etc/init.d/openfire start
A few quick notes:
- This _will_ delete your existing truststore and keystore, back them up first
- I disable stopping and starting of the OpenFire service, feel free to uncomment those
- This version expects the CA’s chain certificate to be named in the format ``
- This only creates an RSA certificate